About Liberty Land & Ranch

If you’ve purchased or sold farm and ranch property over the years, you already know that nothing separates the multitude of brokerages out there other than marketing strategies and commission structures. They all offer the same thing: they take you through the buying or selling process and leave the closing table looking for their next sale. You might hear from them six months down the road asking you to refer them another client.
We’re here to change that. Liberty Land and Ranch was developed in order to provide landowners like yourself with an unmatched level of service and professionalism. Our brokerage is different from others in the fact that each of our agents have existing experience in some form of Agribusiness. From cattle and row crop production to wildlife management and ranch construction, our agents have unique expertise allowing our brokerage to properly serve you in any farm or ranch real estate transaction. We are available before the sale to help maximize the value of your property and after the transaction to help you develop your dream farm, ranch or recreational property.
Our Strategy

When it comes to marketing Farm & Ranch real estate, no one puts your property in front of as many of the right buyers as we do.
With our targeted marketing strategy, we advertise your property (not just our company brand as many franchise brokerages do) on dozens of third-party websites specifically geared toward Farm & Ranch buyers.
We offer:
- Professional-grade photography
- High definition video tours
- Custom property information brochures
We then include your property in our own print and email campaigns, giving you exposure to our confidential network of highly qualified and high-net-worth buyers.
Experienced Land Professionals

By hiring Liberty Land & Ranch, you get a team of highly experienced land professionals who offer you the most effective representation available. Each one of our land professionals has gained their expertise through years of on-the-ground, hands-on experience, and they’re eager to share their knowledge with our clients.
Why Liberty?

Liberty is a concept that is inherently understood in its common form by all true Texans and patriotic Americans. Without liberty we wouldn’t be able to enjoy the pleasures that come with the privilege of owning land. Liberty is what our founding fathers pledged their “lives, fortunes, and sacred honor” for.
“It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.” – Galatians 5:1
It’s what men like David Crockett, Jim Bowie, and William Travis died for at the Alamo. And while these men and what they stood for are to be rightfully revered and their memories preserved, there is One by whom liberty reaches its purest form. He is the One who came to set the captives free. For through his death and resurrection He created a way for men to know their Creator. And in Him freedom abounds.